Wholeness with Kristin

Wholeness~ 40 Air
January 5, 2024

Working with Air is a beautiful opportunity to work with the breath, prana and the subtle body.
Love, peace, compassion;
Greater view~ wisdom mind;
Lightness of being ✨
Deep rest, nervous system nourishment and heart openers for you, My Loves, with an entire floor based practice♥️
As we free tension and create space,
Prana optimises and expands.
Invite deep peace,
Feel it fill every cell of your being,
Permeate every layer of your embodiment,
And share xxx
A couple of beautiful guided relaxation practices:
1. Following the Lure of the Breath from The Breathing Book by Donna Farhi
2. Noticing Flows of Inhalation and Exhalation from The Rest Program for Healing PTSD by Richard Miller
