Wholeness with Kristin

Down Regulate your NS~ 18 mins
February 9, 2023

Current research suggests that it only takes 15 minutes to move from Sympathetic overdrive into Parasympathetic Nervous System relaxation.
This means moving out of "fight or flight" mode of GO, GO, GO, DO, DO, DO, always ON, reacting, scrambling, hustling, hyper vigilant etc into the calming, quieting and soothing "rest & digest" mode of BEING.
The ripple effects can be felt quite profoundly throughout your bodily systems AND in your relationships AND even in your creative world (...I know, WOW!!!).
Invite a harmonising and receptive state of being through this simple practice of Legs up a Chair!
Could you incorporate 15 mins of REST into your EVERY (ok, most) DAY?
What do you notice in your realm?
With Love xx
