Wholeness with Kristin

Afternoon Sattva~ 34 mins
March 10, 2022

~ Afternoon Smooth Out ~
Here, I share my afternoon "go-to" practice for when you are requiring an energetic reset.
This is a practice that will assist you to rest, replenish and cultivate a sustainable energy to see you through.
Gently opening, uplifting and energising whilst still being deeply supported, relaxing and restorative.
Promote a return to that smooth flowing, balanced sattvic energy.
For me, this practice helps me get through the rest of the day and into the evening with greater patience and loving presence.
My cup filled, so I can be more in my loving more of the time.
I hope it serves you too!

Supported bound angle, supported gate, supported fish, supported diaphragm release, supported legs up, poses release.

Supporting pieces:
Plus extra blankets + eye pillow.
